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    ·April 12, 2024
    ·1 min read

    [Music] hello guys this is RO and welcome to another brand new video on this channel and hope you guys are doing absolutely great I uploaded few videos about how you guys can buy or import from USA and ship it to your country I will use another website Nam and using their services I will buy from USA and ship it to my country India and I'll share my whole buying experience with you guys so guys let's go started I'm looking for this adapter this USB C2 lightning adapter for my iPhone problemis it's not available in our country it's available only in USA and as you see it's not deliverable to my address the s is not delivering it to my address so I search on YouTube and find the video on Ro this YouTube channel how to import from USAA it's a good video I watched it it's still a little bit unclear I don't have the credit card or PayPal account to pay them so I'm little confused how to do everything so I decided to call Mr Ro and talk with him and hope be able tohelp me to import this item to India so let's call him on WhatsApp make a video call it's ringing I called you because I want to import something from USA and that is not available in our country I watch all of your videos but still it confusing for me to import from USA still I don't get so many so I just call you can you help me to import the item from USA sure I can help you but you can do it yourself it's so simple you need two things your ID proof with your address proof like a card or passportand then you need a bank account that is on your name with the international transaction enable debit card or credit card so that's the thing you need to pass from anywhere in the world but I don't have any International transaction enable debit card credit card so what should I do that is not a problem you just contact your bank and ask them to enable your transaction right on your debit card or credit card that's it or you can download their app and enable it on there okay after that you can doInternational transaction using your phone debit card or credit card so I'll contact my bank immediately and ask them to enable International transaction on my card and after the enableing a transaction card I will place the water and try to ship it to my country and if I has any problem I'll contact with you and you have to help of course bro and all of my videos are couple of years old and because of the same pandemic and the geopolitical tension or that is going on and because of this the inflation isSkyrocket the shipping charges and the product price is increasing day by day so that's the reason I thought all of this video need to be updated and that's the reason guys I'm posting this video so that after watching my video you can easily input from you USA thanks man for your suggestion I really appreciate it hello guys this isit and welcome back to another brand new video on this channel and I hope you guys are doing absolutely great and today in this video I'm going to talk with you about how you guys canimport from USA to your country this is kind of an updated video of my old videos that I posted back in 3 4 years ago I only uploaded a dozens of video on these topics but still you guys are keep asking me a lot of questions you guys are keep asking me on Whatsapp you guys can keep asking me on email you guys said every day I get questions from you guys so I thought like I'll make an updated video and I try to answer every one of your questions on that video because of you guys requested this video also available in Bengali as well asHindi language so if you know Bengali or Hindi you can watch this video in your own [Music] language now I have a important question for you the question is why you want to import from foreign countries I talk with lot of my subscriber and follower and the main reason you guys want to import it because the item isn't available in your country or the item is so expensive that you think like importing will be save lot of your money and third option is you have some gift card or coupon like like you probably have a $500 Amazongift card and you think you can redeem the gift card and buy some free goods from Amazon what are you guys probably thinking about cracking some awesome sale deal on upcoming shopping season whatever the reason might be in this video guys I'm going to guide you to import goods from foreign country without losing your goods or without losing your hard earn [Music] money before moving forward I'm requesting you do some research on those items that you want to import is those items are categorized as a prohibiteditem rested item or hazardous item to verify it you can go to this website en/ prohibited items the link of this website in the description below so click on the link and you can go there and there you can see all of the items those are categorized as a prohibited items like animal plants and food you cannot import High value items like antique breakable item precious metal jewelry you cannot import for this unit special license as a end consumer you cannot import these items unidentifiable items like liquids you cannot importhress materials monetary items military items and alcohol drug weapon like some of you guys ask me about importing airsoft gun this is one of my viewer who want to import a airsoft gun and as you see guys airsoft gun or any kind of gun is illegal who going to verify the gun is a toy gun or real gun Customs do not have that much time so if you want to import all of this item that listed on this page I'm requesting guys just stop and if you find this item locally buy it from there do not try to import this kind of item and if you guys arefrom India do not try to import drone from China or USA or any country drone is a restricted item and you cannot import it if you import it your drone will seized and over that Customs will charge you fine around 5,000 or more few years back I was trying to import a drone from but I never ever received the Drone the Drone was seized by Customs it's a toy Drone app the price was around $100 the custom sees the Drone and over that they charg me 5,000 rupees plenty for importing a restricted item now I thinkyou guys got a basic understanding what you can import and what you can't you guys can also import Hazard material but not bya air by land or by sea Ro you need to import Hazard material some lithium battery you know the lithium battery is all of our Electronics devices this is a consider as a h material but up to 100 W hour if a device contain up to 100 W hour lithium battery you can import it easily bya flight but more than that is not allowed it like you canot import a electric bicycle or hob V that contain a lithiumiron battery more than 100 wat hour for your better understanding I thought like if I design a flowchart and try to explain all of this process that will be pretty simple and easy to understand for for you guys so here as you see want to import so this is the item you want to import and now here you have three option why you want to import it so first option is the item is not available in your country that's the reason you want to import it second is item is so expensive in your country that it will be lot cheaper to importthird option you probably have couple of gift cards that you can red and you can buy some free stuff from foreign countries now after that you need to select whether the item you want to import is it banned item is it a aard item or is it a restricted item if it is don't import it don't waste your money you will lose your money you can have fine you have so many problem can happen if you import any kind of restricted or ban item so do not import any restricted or ban item I assume that you are importing something that is notrestricted or ban then you come to the portion of shipping now you need to ship the item how you ship the item from USA or any foreign country to Tre your country how could I do that so there is couple of option the best option is if you're friend or any relative live on that country and in this case uh we are talking about USA so if your friend or relative lives in USA you can ask him to bring it to your country so whenever he is coming to India or your country you just ask him bro can you bring this itemfor me so that save your um shipping charges save your so many headaches so that is the best option and I know not everybody has this luxury has this option to import from USA or any other country so next option you have is called global Shipping so Amazon has this beautiful feature called global Shipping so you can buy anything from where seller is shipping it internationally but the problem is only one 2% one 2% seller ship it internationally and least 98% do not ship it internationally so you cannot buy it from there there are a couple of website like there is a lot of Select there they ship it internationally but it's still it's not it's not that much convenient my favorite and best website that support global Shipping is Aliexpress but unfortunately AliExpress is Bann in our country India but rest of the world AliExpress is open so you guys can tryAliExpress if you are not from India and see whether your item is available there or not if it's available there you can buy it from there and their shipping charges is dream it's quite low uh compared to buying from USA if the seller accept global Shipping you just need to pay the seller and the seller will ship it to your address and then you need to clear the customs and you will get the product delivered to your doorsteps here on the website I want to buy this usap USBC female to lightning M converter problem is the item is not deliverable to my address as you see the deliver to obij Kolkata is not available this item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location please choose a different delivery location so I need to select a Us address to uh get this item problem is I don't live in USA and other items like books shoe clothes are available for international shipping price is $40 I need to pay $4.2 for import fees and also $16.15 fordelivery so total I think around plus $90 for so you can buy all of these thing directly from and ship it to your country but Electronics goods and liquid you cannot import all of this global Shipping supported item I just click on buy and here I need to put my address now here is a important information the address on identification document must be match recipient address to clear Customs so whatever document you upload for custom clearance process and the add address that you are shipping this itemmust be same else the ker company will not hand over your item the seller is shipping this item only inside in USA so if I select a Us address apply continue so I selected a Us address now it will be deliverable to my [Music] address so how you guys can get a Us address so for for this we have couple of website like then then SFL so you go to this website and you sign up there they will give you an Us address for demonstration I'm using but you can use any trusted reing website that you trust so first you need to click the first link in the description below and it will take you on and you can sign up there and if you already have an account you just login so for sign up you need to fill up this form so here you need to put your first name last name gender country uh email address password now click on sign up so let's click on sign up guys we successfully sign up on this stri website and here is the welcome page shop in US retailer and ship worldwide welcome to stri the world most just package forwarding company if you guys ask me why I chose St I chose St because I'm using St for last 3 4 years and in this years has buil a pretty goodrelationship with them and I never ever face any problem with st their customer support is great they are efficient reliable trustworthy and they have 28,000 plus verified review on various websites so this is a professional package forwarding compy it's not any kind of career company here on the bottom of the website you guys can see we have five steps to get our package from USA to our country the first step is is sign up on this or any reshipping so we did that and after sign up we'll get a free locer number so if I go to dashboard of the and you guys can see we get um our St address so this is my local number and this is my stack address so if you want to send me something free you can send it here okay I'm just kidding uh don't save me anything and here is my $30 credit which I earn from affiliation and now for purchasing anything from any us-based e-commerce website you need this address so I already plac the whole address here rateerror message is gone now I can deliver it to my Us address is is address so click on buy now okay no thanks now total is $18 now you can pay using debit card or credit card so use this payment method and complete the payment now we don't have any free shipping option so place the order on 20 October it will be delivered on our istre [Music] address so after delivering your package at St address it will show up on this receip package section Within one or 2 days and after that you can consolidate and reive this item also you can instoredelivery package for 45 days for free at St Warehouse you also can deliver multiple item then you can consolidate it and rece it to your address and because of consolidation you probably save 70 to 80% on the shipping charges so what the heck is consolidation back in days when I started using this g- shopping company for first time I have no idea what is consolation so I do some Google search and find out basically consolidation means when you buy something from any e-commerce website they generally came in huge big big boxes and inside thisfind your tiny item inside a tiny box so what they do they basically open the box and discard all of these unnecessary formam or paperwor whatever Inside the Box they discard it and create a new package and consolidate it inside a small package this process called consolidation and because of consolation you save lot of money as shipping charges calculate based on the volume of the package and you can save 70 to 80% on shipping charges so on this flow chart here we find our D shipping company I research it to find the reshipping company that is cheapest uh to find cheapest what you can do you can calculate the shipping [Music] charges and you guys can easily calculate the shipping charges going to the D Shipping Company website so this is St this is this is ship7 you can all of this website has this shipping charges calculator so if you go all of these websites and try to find out what is the best price for your shipping and according to your confidence and need you can place the water now I'm calculate the shippingcharges here so this is the shipping rates and here you have the option to put your country so where you want to ship the item I'll ship it to India India I enter my City My City name is Kolkata and my postal code and you can add package weight in Cas or lb let's choose one lb and L let's say a 8 in with 4 in and height 3 in an in and now get red and as you see guys the shipping rate is quite low for Adam expir parel only $18.98 I also made a video comparing all of this company shipping charges so if you guys want to watch the video link is in the description below this is not the final shipping charges and final Shi charge will be calculated after consolidation so here is our consolidation process and after consolidation we can pay for the shipping charges so after placing the order it will deliver within 3 4 days on the St warehouse and after login it will show up on your stri dashboard on received package section you can see we have two package we received it and here you can see thedetails and if you want to see some picture this is also uploaded this is the package we can click this two select all and click on consolidate so if you click on consolidate it will consolidate the package and make it on package if you want just want to place a single shipment you can click on uh single shipment so so do you want to continue on package or you want to consolidate more package so let's consolidate [Music] both select my address or if you are new you can add a new address so here you can put your all of your address yourname last name phone number your address put it here and submit to add a new address I already have my address added so I will do the next step here we need to add custom information add new item part unit PR $9 and if you have multiple item on that box you can add that too and create the custom declaration here we have another package so total $9 and go next now and if you guys are new to this website it will pop up some message to help you what you need to do next in your more option how would like to ship to handle for example if you want tokeep the original packaging or do you want to bubble wrap your items so you can next or Okay so this this click here to see auto ship so by default you will remove the invoice but if you want to keep the you can click on keep invoice and keep product packaging like shoe box if you don't need it they will discard it and if you want to Bubble D for your fly boxes you can add it or you can extra borrow left that will cost another $15 uh process of hatman so if you want to process some kind of hazardous material you need to read it okay socheck this your haard material such as perfume nail polish sanitizer air can Lithium and if you guys want to import some Hazard material contact the customer here uh I will leave it because I don't have any Hazard material let's consolidate consolidation requested and you have consolidation finish conation we will notify you after consolation finished we need to make the payment and it will ship to our address so let's go back to dashboard and here as you see it is processing and consolation requested andand tomorrow they probably give me the consolation and we'll make the payment after consolidation and declaring your items value you need to ship this item to your address and before that we need to make payment for the shipping service and for payment we have couple of options and here as you see St support credit card PayPal or even Bitcoin so you can pay using this method for Indian consumer it's really hard to pay because generally Indian consumer use debit card or UPI and those company do not support debit card or UPIanyone of you watching this video from any receiving company like or any other company if you're watching this video I have a recommendation for you the recommendation is to implement UPI payment system on your website because UPI is awesome and if you implement it it's lot easier for in audience like me to make payment Chinese e-commerce website already implemented the UPI system on their website there so many website there they implemented UPI why you shouldn't guys Implement UPI on your website that is a recommendationfrom me let's see what happen in future generally my Indian viewer use SBI card and whenever they try to create a PayPal account or trying to do some International online transaction their payment get fail and it's I think it's a headache but what you need to do you need to go to your bank account and ask them to enable International transaction right I pay for couple of you guys because you are not able to make the payment because of security reason it is very difficult to pay for you guys evenyou request me for pay I cannot do that so if you're trying to make payment to this receiving company make sure you register with your own email ID your own credential own address and another thing make sure guys your kyc document matches with your shipping address if not you're going to encounter some problem the Kier company will not deliver to you until unless your kyc message with your consign address okay so now uh I think you guys have PayPal or Bitcoin or whatever the payment system they are asking you I think you guys have it nowmove ahead and go for the payment within 24 hours I received an email from that your Shipment has been consolidate and and then I log into St and see my package is ready for shipping and here you see the consolation completed now we need to finalize the shipment click on finalize the shipment after constellation the actual weight reduce a lot before that is around 23 and right now it's reduced to 12 so I save a lot of money uh because of the consolidation and let's go next step two out of three select the delivery optionhere we have couple of cier company delivery option uh you can choose aramax you can choose FedEx you can choose DL or and you guys are keep asking me which one is the best career company I generally go with the cheapest one aramax is pretty good it will take 9 to 15 days to deliver item to my tourist but they're good they're decent you can go with the FedEx or you can go with the DSL uh if you ask me which one the best I think DL is the best and USPS also good so if you want to avoid uh paying high tax uh you can go withUSPS DL worldwi Express career is the best option is the best super but it's expensive it's not value for money so if you're looking for value for money I think aramax is the value for money and if you want the best service and don't care about money go with GSL their shipping service is quite expensive also uh they will clear the custom pretty first but charge you more so I will choose this at Max parcel express and click on next select Insurance shipment declared value is $2.99 so this is the value I decar stepstep three review shipment select payment method and here we have two payment methods one credit I have $30 and another one is Paypal because of security reason we Indians only allowed it to use payal but if you are using from other European or other foreign country you can have debit card credit card or Bitcoin option and you also need to agree export license notice checking this work signifies that you understand the inst does not ship item that require export permit or license if anything in your shipment does require either ofthose thing that you agree to take responsibility under 15 CFR 75b 3B as foreign principal party in interest fppi to express and assume responsibility for determining the licensing requirement and obtaining license Authority making the US agent of the Apu the exporter of ER so you need to agree it basically it means if you are importing anything using stackry and for this import if you need any kind of license you need to arrange the license by yourself uh will not responsible now click agree and submit payment method and go to PayPalso if you click on here it will take you on PayPal and you can pay it after completing the payment is will will ship your item within 24 hours okay so as guys the order is completed now I need to wait for my shipment to arrive to India so here I can click and download the invoice after completion of payment it will take 3 to 7 days maybe maximum 15 days to deliver to your door step basically it took only 3 days to reach to your country after that it take like for custom clear maybe two days maybe 3 days depends on the Customs officer andit also depends on the country uh so after custom clearance it will deliver to your address today I got a message from s and he is little confused about the tax payment system how the tax payment system will be process like we need to go to the tax office or we need to pay online or offline or delivery time whatever tax payment generally guys it's never 90% you need to pay at the delivery time you can pay it online in some cases if the case is little complicated the Customs officer will call you and at the that time you guyscan pay uh the custom charges there but it is very rare most of the time you can pay online like FedEx DSL they support online payment and some other company like adx and yeah USPS or register post they will collect tax at the delivery time and they will accept only cash so I hope I answer your question and if you guys want to know more about custom clearance Indian custom clearance and taxes link of this video in the description below or you can click on I button here or here as we are approaching shopping season the festivalseason is coming so you guys probably buy so many things on this festival and if you like to buy something uh from USA or any other country like you can try this kind of method to import the goods from USA to your country so guys uh thanks for watching this video hope you guys like this video If you guys like it make sure to smack a big thumbs up and if you guys have any any question any suggestion regarding reshipping or regarding buying from USA let me know in the comment section below or you guys can WhatsApp me on my number I try toreply every one of your questions so that being said my name is I'm signing out and I will meet with you on my next video till then bye-bye

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